Source code for superplot.plot_options

This module provides a named tuple plot_options to represent the options as
selected in the UI. Also loads default values from config.yml and makes them available.

TODO: This module should also do a reasonable amount of validation
      of config variables.
import os
import appdirs
from collections import namedtuple
import simpleyaml as yaml
import numpy as np

plot_options = namedtuple("plot_options", (
    # Data
    "xindex",  # Index of x axis data
    "yindex",  # Index of y axis data
    "zindex",  # Index of z axis data
    "logx",  # Apply log scale to xdata
    "logy",  # Apply log scale to ydata
    "logz",  # Apply log scale to zdata

    # Limits, bins, ticks
    "plot_limits",  # Plot limits [xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax]
    "bin_limits",  # Bin limits [[xmin, xmax], [ymin, ymax]]
    "cb_limits",  # Colorbar limits [min, max]
    "nbins",  # Number of bins
    "xticks",  # Number of x ticks
    "yticks",  # Number of y ticks
    "cbticks",  # Number of colorbar ticks

    "alpha",  # Values of alpha in asc. order [float, float]
    "tau",  # Theoretical error width on delta chi-squared plots.

    # Labels
    "xlabel",  # Label for x axis
    "ylabel",  # Label for y axis
    "zlabel",  # Label for z axis
    "plot_title",  # Title of plot
    "title_position", # Location of plot title
    "leg_title",    # Plot legend
    "leg_position",  # Location of plot legend

    # Whether to show optional plot elements (all True / False)
    # Whether to use KDE for PDF, and if so, band-width method

[docs]def get_config(yaml_file="config.yml"): """ Load the config file, either from the user data directory, or if that is not available, the installed copy. :param yaml_file: Name of yaml file :type yaml_file: str :returns: config :rtype: dict """ # First check whether the user has a custom home directory. script_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) home_dir_locfile = os.path.join(script_dir, "user_home.txt") config_path = None if os.path.exists(home_dir_locfile): with open(home_dir_locfile, "rb") as f: home_dir_path = config_path = os.path.join(home_dir_path, yaml_file) # If it doesn't exist, use the installed copy if config_path is None or not os.path.exists(config_path): config_path = os.path.join( os.path.split(os.path.abspath(__file__))[0], yaml_file ) # Load & return config with open(config_path) as cfile: return yaml.load(cfile)
CONFIG = get_config()
[docs]def default(option): """ Retrieve the default value of a plot option. If no default is available, prints an error message and raises a KeyError. :param option: Name of the option :type option: string :returns: Default value of specified option. """ _defaults = CONFIG["plot_options"] # Fix the types of a few options. It would also be # possible to directly specify the types in the YAML file, # but that might confuse users / be messy. if _defaults["alpha"] is not None: _defaults["alpha"] = np.array(_defaults["alpha"]) _defaults["alpha"].sort() if _defaults["plot_limits"] is not None: _defaults["plot_limits"] = np.array(_defaults["plot_limits"]) if _defaults["cb_limits"] is not None: _defaults["cb_limits"] = np.array(_defaults["cb_limits"]) try: return _defaults[option] except KeyError: print "plot_options: No default specified for option: {}".format(option) raise