Source code for superplot.plotlib.plot_mod

General functions for plotting data, defined once so that they can be used/edited
in a consistent manner.

# Python modules
import subprocess
import os
import appdirs

# External modules.
from matplotlib.ticker import AutoMinorLocator
from matplotlib.pylab import *

[docs]def plot_data(x, y, scheme, zorder=1): """ Plot a point with a particular color scheme. :param x: Data to be plotted on x-axis :type x: numpy.ndarray, numpy.dtype :param y: Data to be plotted on y-axis :type y: numpy.ndarray, numpy.dtype :param scheme: Object containing plot appearance options :type scheme: :py:class:`schemes.Scheme` :param zorder: Draw order - lower numbers are plotted first :type zorder: integer """ plt.plot( x, y, scheme.symbol, color=scheme.colour, label=scheme.label, ms=scheme.size, zorder=zorder)
[docs]def appearance(plot_name): """ Specify the plot's appearance, with e.g. font types etc. from an mplstyle file. Options in the style sheet associated with the plot name override any in default.mplstyle. :param plot_name: Name of the plot (class name) :type plot_name: string .. Warning: If the user wants LaTeX, we first check if the 'latex' \ shell command is available (as this is what matplotlib uses to \ interface with LaTeX). If it isn't, we issue a warning and fall \ back to mathtext. """ style_sheet_name = "{}.mplstyle".format(plot_name) # Try to use the style sheets installed in the user directory script_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) home_dir_locfile = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(script_dir), "user_home.txt") style_sheet_path = None default_style_sheet_path = None if os.path.exists(home_dir_locfile): with open(home_dir_locfile, "rb") as f: home_dir_path = style_sheet_path = os.path.join( home_dir_path, "styles", style_sheet_name ) default_style_sheet_path = os.path.join( home_dir_path, "styles", "default.mplstyle" ) # If style sheet doesn't exist, use the installed copy if style_sheet_path is None or not os.path.exists(style_sheet_path): style_sheet_path = os.path.join( os.path.split(os.path.abspath(__file__))[0], "styles", style_sheet_name ) # If default style sheet doesn't exist, use installed copy if default_style_sheet_path is None or not os.path.exists(default_style_sheet_path): default_style_sheet_path = os.path.join( os.path.split(os.path.abspath(__file__))[0], "styles", "default.mplstyle" )[default_style_sheet_path, style_sheet_path]) if rcParams["text.usetex"]: # Check if LaTeX is available try:["latex", "-version"]) except OSError as err: rc("text", usetex=False) if err.errno == os.errno.ENOENT: warnings.warn( "Cannot find `latex` command. " "Using matplotlib's mathtext.")
[docs]def legend(leg_title=None, leg_position=None): """ Turn on the legend. .. Warning:: Legend properties specfied in by mplstyle, but could be overridden here. :param leg_title: Title of legend :type leg_title: string :param leg_position: Position of legend :type leg_position: string """ if leg_position != "no legend": plt.legend(title=leg_title, loc=leg_position)
[docs]def plot_limits(ax, limits=None): """ If specified plot limits, set them. :param ax: Axis object :type ax: matplotlib.axes.Axes :param limits: Plot limits :type limits: list [xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax] """ if limits is not None: ax.set_xlim([limits[0], limits[1]]) ax.set_ylim([limits[2], limits[3]])
[docs]def plot_ticks(xticks, yticks, ax): """ Set the numbers of ticks on the axis. :param ax: Axis object :type ax: matplotlib.axes.Axes :param xticks: Number of required major x ticks :type xticks: integer :param yticks: Number of required major y ticks :type yticks: integer """ # Set major x, y ticks ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(MaxNLocator(xticks)) ax.yaxis.set_major_locator(MaxNLocator(yticks)) # Auto minor x and y ticks ax.xaxis.set_minor_locator(AutoMinorLocator()) ax.yaxis.set_minor_locator(AutoMinorLocator())
[docs]def plot_labels(xlabel, ylabel, plot_title=None, title_position='right'): """ Plot axis labels. :param xlabel: Label for x-axis :type xlabel: string :param ylabel: Label for y-axis :type ylabel: string :param plot_title: Title appearing above plot :type plot_title: string :param title_position: Location of title :type title_position: string """ plt.xlabel(xlabel) plt.ylabel(ylabel) plt.title(plot_title, loc=title_position)
[docs]def plot_image(data, bin_limits, plot_limits, scheme): """ Plot data as an image. .. Warning:: Interpolating perhaps misleads. If you don't want it set interpolation='nearest'. :param data: x-, y- and z-data :type data: numpy.ndarray :param bin_limits: Bin limits :type bin_limits: list [[xmin,xmax],[ymin,ymax]] :param plot_limits: Plot limits :type plot_limits: list [xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax] :param scheme: Object containing appearance options, colours etc :type scheme: :py:class:`schemes.Scheme` """ # Flatten bin limits bin_limits = np.array( (bin_limits[0][0], bin_limits[0][1], bin_limits[1][0], bin_limits[1][1])) # Set the aspect so that resulting figure is a square aspect = (plot_limits[1] - plot_limits[0]) / (plot_limits[3] - plot_limits[2]) # imshow is annoying - it reads (y, x) rather than (x, y) so we take # transpose. = plt.imshow(data.T, cmap=scheme.colour_map, extent=bin_limits, interpolation='bilinear', label=scheme.label, origin='lower', aspect=aspect) # Plot a colour bar. NB "magic" values for fraction and pad taken from # cb = plt.colorbar(, orientation='vertical', fraction=0.046, pad=0.04) # Set reasonable number of ticks cb.locator = MaxNLocator(4) cb.update_ticks() # Colour bar label
[docs]def plot_contour(data, levels, scheme, bin_limits): """ Make unfilled contours for a plot. :param data: Data to be contoured :type data: numpy.ndarray :param levels: Levels at which to draw contours :type levels: list [float,] :param scheme: Object containing appearance options, colours etc :type scheme: :py:class:`schemes.Scheme` :param bin_limits: Bin limits :type bin_limits: list [[xmin,xmax],[ymin,ymax]] """ # Flatten bin limits. bin_limits = np.array( (bin_limits[0][0], bin_limits[0][1], bin_limits[1][0], bin_limits[1][1])) # Make the contours of the levels. cset = plt.contour( data.T, levels, colors=scheme.colour, hold='on', extent=bin_limits, interpolation='bilinear', origin=None, linestyles=['--', '-']) # Set the contour labels - they will show labels fmt = dict(zip(cset.levels, scheme.level_names)) # Plot inline labels on contours. plt.clabel(cset, inline=True, fmt=fmt, fontsize=12, hold='on') # Plot a proxy for the legend - plot spurious data outside bin limits, # with legend entry matching colours/styles of contours. x_outside = 1E1 * abs(bin_limits[1]) y_outside = 1E1 * abs(bin_limits[3]) for name, style in zip(scheme.level_names, ['--', '-']): plt.plot(x_outside, y_outside, style, color=scheme.colour, label=name, alpha=0.7)
[docs]def plot_filled_contour( data, levels, scheme, bin_limits): """ Make filled contours for a plot. :param data: Data to be contoured :type data: numpy.ndarray :param levels: Levels at which to draw contours :type levels: list [float,] :param scheme: Object containing appearance options, colours etc :type scheme: :py:class:`schemes.Scheme` :param bin_limits: Bin limits :type bin_limits: list [[xmin,xmax],[ymin,ymax]] """ # Flatten bin limits bin_limits = np.array( (bin_limits[0][0], bin_limits[0][1], bin_limits[1][0], bin_limits[1][1])) # We need to ensure levels are in ascending order, and append the # list with highest possible value. This makes n intervals # (between n + 1 values) that will be shown with colours. levels = sort(levels) levels = np.append(levels, data.max()) # Filled contours. plt.contourf(data.T, levels, colors=scheme.colours, hold='on', extent=bin_limits, interpolation='bilinear', origin=None, alpha=0.7) # Plot a proxy for the legend - plot spurious data outside bin limits, # with legend entry matching colours of filled contours. x_outside = 1E1 * abs(bin_limits[1]) y_outside = 1E1 * abs(bin_limits[3]) for name, color in zip(scheme.level_names, scheme.colours): plt.plot(x_outside, y_outside, 's', color=color, label=name, alpha=0.7, ms=15)
[docs]def plot_band(x_data, y_data, width, ax, scheme): r""" Plot a band around a line. This is typically for a theoretical error. Vary x by +/- width and find the variation in y. Fill between these largest and smallest y for a given x. :param x_data: x-data to be plotted :type x_data: numpy.ndarray :param y_data: y-data to be plotted :type y_data: numpy.ndarray :param width: Width of band - width on the left and right hand-side :type width: integer :param ax: An axis object to plot the band on :type ax: matplotlib.axes.Axes :param scheme: Object containing appearance options, colours etc :type scheme: :py:class:`schemes.Scheme` """ # For a given x, find largest/smallest y within x \pm width upper_y = np.full(len(y_data), -float("inf")) lower_y = np.full(len(y_data), float("inf")) for index, x in enumerate(x_data): for x_prime, y_prime in zip(x_data, y_data): if abs(x - x_prime) < width: if y_prime < lower_y[index]: lower_y[index] = y_prime elif y_prime > upper_y[index]: upper_y[index] = y_prime # Finally plot ax.fill_between(x_data, lower_y, upper_y, where=None, facecolor=scheme.colour, alpha=0.7) # Proxy for legend plt.plot(-1, -1, 's', color=scheme.colour, label=scheme.label, alpha=0.7, ms=15)