Source code for superplot.schemes

This module contains the Scheme class, which is used to hold information
about how individual elements should appear in a plot.

Schemes are defined in config.yml. On import, this module loads each Scheme
and attaches it as a module attribute with the defined name.

# External modules.
import os
import sys
from matplotlib.pylab import get_cmap
import simpleyaml as yaml

# Superplot modules.
import plot_options

[docs]class Scheme: r""" Holds information for how a piece of data should be plotted. All parameters are optional - Schemes can specify any subset of the available attributes. :param colour: Colour for a line / point. :type colour: string :param symbol: Indicates point style e.g. cirlce 'o' or line style e.g '--'. :type symbol: string :param label: Label for legend. :type label: string :param level_names: List of contour level names, i.e. for confidence regions. :type level_names: list :param colour_map: Colour map for 2D plots. Must be the name of a matplotlib colour map. :type colour_map: string :param number_colours: Number of colours to appear on colour map. If None, continuum. :type number_colours: int :param colour_bar_title: Title for colour bar. :type colour_bar_title: string :param size: Size of points. :type size: integer :param colours: List of colours to be iterated, for, e.g., filled contours. :type colours: list """ def __init__( self, colour=None, symbol=None, label=None, level_names=None, colour_map=None, number_colours=None, colour_bar_title=None, size=5, colours=None): self.colour = colour self.symbol = symbol self.label = label self.level_names = level_names self.colour_map = get_cmap(colour_map, number_colours) self.colour_bar_title = colour_bar_title self.size = size self.colours = colours
# For each scheme in the config file, create a Scheme # class and add it as a module attribute. for scheme_name, params in plot_options.get_config()["schemes"].iteritems(): scheme = Scheme(**params) setattr(sys.modules[__name__], scheme_name, scheme) credible_regions = [credible_region_s2, credible_region_s1] conf_intervals = [conf_interval_s2, conf_interval_s1] class AttrDict(dict): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(AttrDict, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.__dict__ = self
[docs]def scheme_from_yaml(yaml_file): """ """ yaml = plot_options.get_config(yaml_file) scheme = {scheme_name: Scheme(**params) for scheme_name, params in yaml["schemes"].iteritems()} return AttrDict(scheme)